Double Danish Digital Awards

Back in March 2020 my team at DSB Digital Labs did an amazing job realising what was just a loose idea building on an earlier project. Can we use the train weight data to give our users power to keep social distance when travelling.

In just 3 weeks the team converted this to the service www.pladspårejsen.dk, where users can follw the trains around the S-train network and see just how occupied the next train is based on real time data. We even extended the service with a machine learning feature so we could estimate how filled a given train was going to be in the future. In that way our users could navigate the public transportation and help them selves in travelling safely.

It is of course a reward in it self seeing a solution like this come to life and seeing it being used by real users, but late August this year we also got an actual Award – actually we got two! Gold winner in AI and data AND Silver in Innovation at the Danish Digital Awards. Proud of being a part of a team that can make such things happen.

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10 days at SXSW

10 days in short

I have been spending the past ten days in Austin, Texas, where people from around the world has gathered to hear the latest from the interactive, movie and musicscene.

To hear more of what has happened over here, visit mensch.dk to get a low-down on the days in Austin.

Besides getting down with all the tech stuff and getting inspiration I also spend good time with the Nordic delgations over here. Especially the Nordic Music scene had a couple of eye-openers and presented things I never could have imagined. E.g. have a look at Sturle Dagsland – almost like a whole new music genre.

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How to start a movement

Great inspirational TED talk of leadership, group thinking, on-boarding and basically how to start a movement.

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Going digital for my wedding


Me and my girlfriends wedding are closing in on us and off course I had to go all in on digital setup. RSVP, program, information, gift register and much more – all moved digital:-) Curious… visit www.bryllup.bysaugman.com… Now, that’s how you make a wedding site:-)

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New art site aired

I have just put my little hobby project GNEINSCNDS live this evening! Feel free to jump over there and browse around on some of my attempts to be creative:-)

Visit my subsite at www.gneinscnds.bysaugman.com

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Make it dance – make it viral
Viral video

It seems to be an almost sure thing to go viral when you combine animals and music/dance. The last great viral animal was the 3 pony, we have had the Cadbury chimp and now another chimp has been revitalized for viral format  –  the Rynkeby Chimp. It might seem easy, it might seem quite recycled, but hey,  it seems to be an almost sure thing to go viral so why not? – Now presenting Rynke the Rynkeby chimp. If you read Danish, you can keep reading at bureaubiz

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The movie just isn’t the same with you in it
Viral video

Many have made various attempts on the genre “show-consideration-in-the-movies-movie” this is one of the better attempts from coca cola Denmark:

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The social media guard – cool, but not coke

Pretty cool viral with a message

The sender claims to be coca cola, but recent article suggest otherwise

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Free e-book: 10 digital themes


My talented coworkers at In2media have put together a great e-book on the 10 most important digital themes of 2014. So if you want to brush up on e.g. :

  1. Mobile first strategy
  2. Mobile enterprise
  3. The internet of things
  4. Data capitalization
  5. E-commerce
  6. Connected retail
  7. Doorstep love
  8. The social enterprise
  9. Content marketing
  10. Innovation

Then get the free e-book (also available on ipad)

[button color=blue url=http://10digitalstrategies.in2media.com]Get it! [/button]


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Seo vs. “New seo”

Irfan Ahmad over at socialmediatody posted a pretty cool infographic on sustainable seo:


SEO vs. New SEO – Sustainable and Algorithm-Proof Search Marketing Methods That Work – infographic by positionly

The entire article, that also contains some great tips for tools can be found here

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