Viewing posts categorised under: Viral video
How to start a movement

Great inspirational TED talk of leadership, group thinking, on-boarding and basically how to start a movement.

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Make it dance – make it viral
Viral video

It seems to be an almost sure thing to go viral when you combine animals and music/dance. The last great viral animal was the 3 pony, we have had the Cadbury chimp and now another chimp has been revitalized for viral format  –  the Rynkeby Chimp. It might seem easy, it might seem quite recycled, but hey,  it seems to be an almost sure thing to go viral so why not? – Now presenting Rynke the Rynkeby chimp. If you read Danish, you can keep reading at bureaubiz

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The movie just isn’t the same with you in it
Viral video

Many have made various attempts on the genre “show-consideration-in-the-movies-movie” this is one of the better attempts from coca cola Denmark:

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The social media guard – cool, but not coke

Pretty cool viral with a message

The sender claims to be coca cola, but recent article suggest otherwise

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Extending the “Tak Rock” Universe

maxresdefaultThis is a great example of how to extend a universe, which has been build up during the past years by Royal beer.

See more at

Although pretty inspired by Heineken, it is a great execution.

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Can photoshop actions act as CSR message?

With this effort Dove continues the fight for real beauty and continues to build on their brand as the lead against the use of “virtual beauty”. See this small video to see how they got on the home screen of the actual makers of Photoshop retouching.

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Viral – Reconsider using womens shampoo
Viral video

Again a quick viral share. This time it is from Brazil and shows just why you, as a man, might want to consider buying your own shampoo.

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A viral quickie from Carlsberg
Viral video

Just a quick viral from Carlsberg – Putting you friends to the test


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Virals to watch

After having gone a bit in pony mode, I thought I just might need to broaden the perspective of viral ads a bit, so gathered some of my favorites in this post.

Heineken – Champions League 2010

Brilliant and amazing setup around this campaign and amazing results (see last part of video) – a personal favorite.


World Out Games – Video from monkeyboy

The ability to use prejudices and turn them good almost never fails – Great local work.


Quicksilver – Dynamite surfing

Might be considered something like the Godfather of virals.


Arriva – Mukhtars birthday

Really nice executed flashmob on something as boring as transportational services.


Copenhagen philharmonics

Again danish public transportation service is the center of a viral flashmob. Don’t know if it actually was worth while creating this, but it’s a beautiful execution.

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A viral quickie from 3 UK
Viral video

I think we got an early contender for viral video of the month….

And make you own mashup here 

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