CATEGORY: Webdesign, mobile design
Role: Digital strategy, client service and project management
Agency: In2media

Project Description

The Danish company geo have for many years been one of the leading European factors in on- and offshore geo technical consulting. Having worked with some of the largest projects in Scandinavia like the Storebælts connection and Øresundsbron geo needed to brush op their digital identity to follow their steps in to the world markets.

Awards and nominations

  • Nominated for creative circle award 2015 corporate driven apps and sites
  • Geo won the Ingeniørens Branding award 2015 for their branding and strategy work

“Og sikke en god oplevelse. Mensch har været rigtig gode til at tænke og arbejde overordnet samtidig med, at de er gode til den kommunikative snitflade, så resultatet bliver spændende. In2media var så på deres side rigtig dygtige til at arbejde videre med dyb respekt for Mensch’s arbejde. Så det har virkelig været en god oplevelse,”

Ann Sophie Friis

Combining unique communication with digital experience

In2media took on the assignment of creating a unique presence, that could embrace both formal content and a serious manner and present content like cases and history in a more playful manner. The result was an Umbraco powered site with a dedicated mobile site using the same content as the desktop, but displayed according to the device.

The solution was developed on the Umbraco CMS using the angular framework for the frontend development.

See more about the project and team at the nomination site