Viewing posts categorised under: Choosing the right media for the right occasion
Choosing the right media for the right occasion – part 3
Choosing the right media for the right occasion

This is the third part of the series “choosing the right media for the right occasion”. In this part, we will be looking at the tapas day, that disappeared. This case actually does use the right media, but lacks some in the execution. It has a couple of years on it’s back, but I still think the points are valid, so here we go.

San Miguel Tapas Day CPH – The event that disappeared

First of all I really like tapas and when it comes with a cold San Miguel (or preferably a good red vine) it is one of my favorite food categories. Therefore I off course clicked the little sponsored advertisements on Facebook inviting me to the San Miguel Tapas day and I read with enthusiasm, that the coming weekend where announced San Miguel Tapas day and you would get a tapas dish with every San Miguel beer you buy.

I was just about to invite some friends to visit a couple of bars to have a beer or two accompanied by tapas, but (there was bound to be one)  when I tried to find out which bars supported I was very surprised – It didn’t seem to be possible to find the participating bars. The fan page was inviting me to find the nearest establishment, but it seemed I wasn’t the only one having trouble to find out where to go:sm_where

There were a lot of activity on the wall and people generally seemed to be positive about the event, but in both Danish and Spanish people kept asking where and when they could participate. There were very little communication from San Miguel and it seemed that the very little there was, was either standardized advertisement for their tapas application or performed in Spanish.

In all fairness I have to say that it looked like a few of the people posting on the wall had found a place to find the information (although not sharing it) and it might have been on their campaign page (it’s been taken down now). But when I tried to enter the page I got this message:


The page was browser optimized and apparently didn’t support my browser version yet (one day before the event!!), by then it was not tapas and beer, that was on my mind, but rather an irritating feeling, that something as simple as easily letting the target group know how and where to buy the product completely had slipped the mind of the creators of the activity.

Digging a bit further into this event I realized, that it was a cross border event, that took place in various cities and it seemed like San Miguel probably “was killed” by their own success and lacking the resources to do the proper communication to each of the target markets and therefore unfortunately failing.

I actually quite like the idea of making an international tapas day and combining it with a brand – it gives value to the brand and gives the possibility of making an annual event, that can last for several years like it has been done in Denmark with Tuborg Christmas brew (site changes with seasons, so you might get lucky to discover other danish beer traditions like Easter brew on the site:-)) . I also like, that you try and engage the participants by making apps where you can create your own tapas (unfortunately taken down now – it did have a lot of good recipes as well :-))  and taking the events to the local cafes absolutely makes sense. What I really don’t like is when you put lots resources and effort in a campaign and forget the absolute basic – Where do I get the product – so… close, but no cigar and well thought, but some lack in execution.

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Choosing the right media for the right occasion – part 2
Choosing the right media for the right occasion

This is the second part of the series covering the importance of choosing the right media for the right occasion (You can find the first part here). In this edition we will look of an example to follow, when talking of choosing the right media for the right occasion.

Coinoffers – when mobiles moves mc’s

McDonald’s of course have a large marketing machine and has the power to seriously take ownership of different media channels, but if you cannot convert this in to actual mc’s over the counter, then it doesn’t really matters. The Coinoffer campaigns are only a part of a larger digital strategy (see link to presentation in the bottom), but the Coinoffer campaigns and the use of mobile has definitely set new standards of what you should dare to put out there to make the digital media a crucial part of your business efforts.

For those of you that do not know the campaign, see this video:

This case is a beautiful example of how the right media will not only create improved business, but also create a strong synergy to the rest of your media mix and act as the glue that binds the different media together. (Campaign results can be found in both video and links so won’t dwell on them here).

Case material is available here and you can find a presentation from the Marketing Director of McDonald’s Denmark here (In Danish unfortunately, but great stuff if you get the meaning:-))

This is not a McDonald’s ad, but the guys from McDonald’s Australia also created a pretty cool solution…

Promise, no more burgers for now.

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Choosing the right media for the right occasion – part 1
Choosing the right media for the right occasion

It should not be necessary to state, but choosing the right media for the right occasion is crucial. Throughout my career so far I have seen many examples of both good and bad choices of media for many different solutions and campaigns. In general the wrong choices come from either not having thought the whole process through, not considering your target audience, the timing or environment, but also a shear lack of knowledge and an intent of wanting “something” new and shiny often leads to misplaced choices.

Below is the first case in the series of the importance of choosing the right media – stay tuned to see some of the other examples that I am digging up.

Please turn off you cell phones…

planeThe first case is actually not a single case, but a repeating mishap and, in my opinion, example of bad counseling. When I go flying I always flip through the in-flight magazine, read some articles, see a couple of ads and a couple of competitions. And although I applaud the fact that, finally, competitions pr. defaults are using online media, then this might not be the right choice here.

The competitions in mention ask me to answer a question by choosing between three different answers and texting the answer to a shortcode! Just minutes before, the nice stewardess kindly asked me to put my phone off as they have just announced that all mobile equipment must turned off during the flight… I am not saying that they did not get any responses, but I doubt that the ROMI turned out positive on these campaigns.

Luckily the years of the mobile have finally come, but counseling like this definitely made some marketers hold back on the mobile throttle a few years.

Stay tuned for the next example of how the media choice can affect your efforts and feel free to share if you have your own examples or inputs.

Part 2 is now available.

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