This is the second part of the series covering the importance of choosing the right media for the right occasion (You can find the first part here). In this edition we will look of an example to follow, when talking of choosing the right media for the right occasion.

Coinoffers – when mobiles moves mc’s

McDonald’s of course have a large marketing machine and has the power to seriously take ownership of different media channels, but if you cannot convert this in to actual mc’s over the counter, then it doesn’t really matters. The Coinoffer campaigns are only a part of a larger digital strategy (see link to presentation in the bottom), but the Coinoffer campaigns and the use of mobile has definitely set new standards of what you should dare to put out there to make the digital media a crucial part of your business efforts.

For those of you that do not know the campaign, see this video:

This case is a beautiful example of how the right media will not only create improved business, but also create a strong synergy to the rest of your media mix and act as the glue that binds the different media together. (Campaign results can be found in both video and links so won’t dwell on them here).

Case material is available here and you can find a presentation from the Marketing Director of McDonald’s Denmark here (In Danish unfortunately, but great stuff if you get the meaning:-))

This is not a McDonald’s ad, but the guys from McDonald’s Australia also created a pretty cool solution…

Promise, no more burgers for now.